
Leverage your distribution, enable credit for 100 crore Indians!

Leverage India's fast-evolving digitalised asset landscape to revolutionise your secured or unsecured lending game

Secured Credit

Leverage your distribution with a new era of lending with Finsire’s end-to-end asset API integrations for seamless processing of secured digital loans for over 100 crore Indians and Finsire mega repositories integrations.  Pledge, Revoke and Invoke all digitally with our APIs.
Mutual Funds
real estate investment trusts
Structured investment product
government securities
exchange traded funds
infrastructure investment trusts


Enhanced Risk Assessment
Leverage multi-asset access to perform comprehensive risk assessment, resulting in more accurate lending decisions.
Minimization of First Loss Default Guarantee (FLDG)
Lending unsecured for your distribution requires a heavy FLDG, lend securely with low risk.
Efficient Collateral Management
Seamlessly manage and monitor pledged assets through our intuitive digital portal.
Personalised Loan Structuring
Tailor loan structures to individual borrowers' unique asset profiles, providing more attractive and flexible lending options for your distribution.
Credit module
Pledgeability & secured credit for 6+ assets
Multi-asset pledging
Creation of multi-layer distribution on single lender stack
No Finsire set-up fee
Free intuitive dashboard to access info of your customers
Separate integration needed with 10+  stakeholders for pledging assets
Single-class pledging only
Single lender distribution
Hefty set-up fee
No digital pledging for all assets

Hey, you may also be interested in these Finsire modules!

Asset gateway
Empower your lending with seamless access to verified and integrated customer financial data
Artificial Intelligence
Maximise the value of collected user data to unlock precise insights
Don't miss the chance to be part of the evolution of digital lending! Experience the future of lending excellence & unlock a USD 15 Trillion lending transformation with Finsire.