Artificial Intelligence

Maximise the Power of your Distribution and Data

We don't just provide data; we empower you with actionable intelligence. The AI Module builds your recommendation and predictive systems for you and your users.

Discover Our Suite of Featured APIs

Personalised Financial Wellness Assistant
Offer tailored guidance to optimise your customer’s financial portfolio for their unique goals, from rebalancing investments for diversified portfolios to tax-efficient strategies
Retire Ready AI
Help your customers secure an early and comfortable retirement with our holistic approach, encompassing goal setting, personalised contribution recommendations, and scenario simulations for a worry-free future
Guardian Shield
Empower financial institutions with real-time fraud detection and prevention, delivering substantial cost savings and enhanced security by monitoring customer accounts for suspicious activities.
Loan Guard Pro
Empower financial institutions with AI-driven predictive analytics, assessing customer financial portfolios and behaviour to proactively reduce credit risk and enhance lending practices.
Finsight Connect
Create a marketplace for financial services, connecting users with personalised financial advisors, investment managers, and insurance providers who share their financial goals
Policy Making with AI
Evaluate the policy’s economic impact for informed decisionmaking with our comprehensive financial and data insights.

Discover Our Suite of Featured APIs

Personalised Financial Wellness Assistant
Offer tailored guidance to optimise your customer’s financial portfolio for their unique goals, from rebalancing investments for diversified portfolios to tax-efficient strategies
Retire Ready AI
Help your customers secure an early and comfortable retirement with our holistic approach, encompassing goal setting, personalised contribution recommendations, and scenario simulations for a worry-free future
Guardian Shield
Empower financial institutions with real-time fraud detection and prevention, delivering substantial cost savings and enhanced security by monitoring customer accounts for suspicious activities.
Loan Guard Pro
Empower financial institutions with AI-driven predictive analytics, assessing customer financial portfolios and behaviour to proactively reduce credit risk and enhance lending practices.
Finsight Connect
Create a marketplace for financial services, connecting users with personalised financial advisors, investment managers, and insurance providers who share their financial goals
Policy Making with AI
Evaluate the policy’s economic impact for informed decisionmaking with our comprehensive financial and data insights.

Discover Our Suite of Featured APIs


With the power of account aggregator ++ and the asset gateway, we identify the missing physical and digital assets. The generated total net worth is magical with user consent, incorporating all relevant data sources.


Finscore is a combination of the credit score and asset score, taking into asset holding patterns.

*we provide this as an API

Analysis & Underwriting

Risk analysis with weighted score analysis of all their assets, liabilities, DPDs, liquidity of the assets, and cash flows added to the existing credit score.

Tax analysis

7 crore+ Indians can now file their taxes seamlessly with just one click using our Tax module integrated with the Asset Gateway.

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Asset gateway
Empower your lending with seamless access to verified and integrated customer financial data
Transform your secured lending with access to diverse collateral types and unsecured lending through data-driven risk management.